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Oliver Factory Refurbishing

When your gravity separator or destoner carries the Oliver name, you are assured of decades of reliable, durable performance. These machines are built to last, using high-quality components that can handle heavy workloads over time. However, like any machine, they may require maintenance or parts replacement to keep operating at peak efficiency. To help maximize your investment, Oliver offers an official Factory Refurbishing Service Program. This program is designed to extend the life of your machine, ensuring it continues to perform as it did when new. Whether it’s a minor tune-up or a complete overhaul, the refurbishing service covers all your needs. This way we ensure our machines help you to have the best output of material separation that you can on a day to day basis.

Concerned about whether or not the refurbished machine will work the same or better? Don’t be. Our team specializes in separator machine repair and gravity table repair, so we know exactly how to get your equipment back to its original condition. When any parts wear out, the same manufacturing technicians who build new Oliver machines daily will remanufacture or replace your worn out parts. These parts are carefully crafted to match the original specifications, meaning your machine will return to optimal performance. This will make your machines ability return to its original Oliver performance. Or another option is to upgrade the machine with the latest performance enhancements offered on the brand new machines. By upgrading, you can take advantage of new technology that improves efficiency and reliability, making your machine even better than before. Oliver is constantly coming up with innovations to better serve you on all of our equipment.

Regardless of whether or not your machine is still under warranty, Oliver is here to help you get your machines running in top condition. Even if it’s an older model, our refurbishing team can still find ways to enhance its performance. Have questions on how this service could help you? Not sure if your machine can be fixed? We can help answer all of these refurbishing service questions.

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