17 November, 2023 | Megan Burney | Blog, Technology
You’re not alone when you question gravity separator waste. Is it discarding an excessive amount of quality product during the industrial seed separation process? Could it really be throwing away quality seed?
In the realm of seed processing, when a plant manager reviews the efficiency report of their processing line, one figure often stands out like a blazing red warning signal—the waste production. Unfortunately, because the gravity is often the last in a processing line, the loss gets attributed to the gravity separator. This revelation often prompts emergency meetings to rectify these perceived “losses” in the production process. One of the suggested solutions involves fine-tuning the equipment, and in more extreme cases, the team considers taking the drastic step of removing the gravity separator from the industrial seed separation processing line. They cast gravity separation as the villain in this scenario.
It is undeniable that, sometimes, gravity separation equipment generates a significant amount of waste in the seed processing line. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the antagonist in this story. Incorporating a grain cleaner prior to gravity separation can significantly reduce this waste.
It’s essential to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the entire seed separation process to determine whether issues or defects are merely being shifted to the next piece of equipment. Sometimes, a minimal cut in the gravity separator can reduce waste in the grain cleaner, spirals, color sorter, or other downstream equipment. Gravity separation excels at removing defects that are better handled by other specialized machines. Each piece of equipment performs a specific task. For instance, the grain cleaner, seed cleaning machine, is more efficient at removing products based on shape, especially width, while a color sorter is adept at eliminating visual defects.
Another critical consideration is that companies often position gravity separation equipment near the end of the industrial seed separation processing line or as one of the final stages of quality control. At a certain point, achieving the required quality standards becomes paramount, and the gravity separator is well-suited for this task. It is the most effective equipment for separating based on density, a property that closely correlates with physiological seed quality. Heavier kernels of the same size exhibit higher concentrations of reserve compounds, leading to enhanced germination, vigor, and protection against stress and breakage. This is well-documented and extensively researched.
Upon careful examination of your specific industrial seed separation process and requirements, you might realize that the gravity separator shoulders a heavy responsibility. It not only rids your product of contaminants but also elevates seed quality, enhances the visual appeal of your product, and ensures adherence to rigorous quality standards. Ladies and gentlemen, we do, in fact, have a hero in the gravity separator!